Saturday 19 November 2011

Festive Food

So I have a new favourite party favourite that I absolutely have to share with you....... Bambino cones from Gelatissimo!

Check out these little delights! Great for an after dinner sneaky treat, fab size for the kiddies and the perfect gift for the hostess with the mostess who insists that you shouldn't bring a thing!

They are yummo bite-sized mini cones filled with chocolate, vanilla, hazelnut, mint, raspberry and mango gelato then dipped in coloured chocolate.  They sell them in store and you get to take them home in an insulated foam packs so they don't melt!

We serve them at the end of the dinner with coffee and put them in a short glass so they look like a festive bunch of flowers..... Excuse me for a little while, I just have to pop out and pick something up....I have a hankering for something sweet!

Love naughty little indulgences!

Gingerbread Houses ... kind of!!

One of my favourite things about Christmas is the food! It is always for decorative and beautiful that you almost don't want to eat it! I must spend about 6 months of the year planning what I will be cooking for Christmas lunch!

Let me share some images of some of my favourite things in particular.....Gingerbread house made from Graham Crackers or Nice biscuits!

I can't claim these designs but I want to show you what some of those very talented people out there have been up to!  I am so inspired! I'll post images of my house next week (hopefully....unless I eat it first!)

Which one is your favourite?
Isn't this gorgeous!

The basic structure to start from!

ooooohhh fairy houses!

And this gorgeous one from Martha Stewart......divine!!!

Enjoy the food of the season!