Saturday 15 September 2012

Dolly Vardon Cupcakes

I have just had so much fun making these and needed to share them! Mini Dolly Vardon Princess cupcakes!

I have 2 boys so the opportunity to bake for a kind fundraiser was a good opportunity to try something new!

I got these little babies from a cake decorating shop (but I have seen them at craft stores and $2 shops also).

They needed a bit of a makeover to make them look "princessy" but that wasn't too trick with some icing. I stuck them in a tub of pearl barley to keep them upright while the icing dried.

I then made normal cupcakes, poked them in the top, added a bit of glitter and voila!

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Simple Necklace Display Idea

I am such a lover of brightly coloured beads. I think I was a Bowerbird in my past life! My friends and family all know of my love so I am lucky to receive them for birthdays and Christmas and I also pick some up on my travels. I am not one for an expensive purchase so most of them are simply cheap and cheerful, but don't you love the colours!

I have been trying to think of a way to display them for ages that gets them out of my draw and makes them more visible so I don't forget about what I have!

Well here is what I came up with. A couple of cheap towel rails from the local hardware store a a few packs of shower curtain C hooks and voila! I hung these up on the back of our walk in wardrobe door and I am thrilled by the result! Don't you think I could open a shop!

Hanging them up was like opening the presents on Christmas morning! I had forgotten about some of them and it was like finding a long lost friends again! I also found myself looking at them and remembering happy occasions, parties and events where I had worn them!

Gosh it was a fun de-cluttering job!

Environmentally Friendly Sandwich Wrap

I love to make a whole lot of school sandwiches at once and freeze them to save time during the week. I make them up and store them in a Tupperware container in the freezer until they are required.

I am really grateful to Waxed Paper,which keeps them all separate but is not a landfill issue like snap lock bags are.

Available at the local supermarket with plastic wraps and bags. It has really lost it's popularity but why that is so is unknown to me! Perhaps I will start a Facebook Page to get it a following again!

So easy!